
Title: Quick of the Sun (Saga of the Sun Book 2)
Author: Cameron Lambright
Pages: 478
ISBN-10: 0996799133
ISBN-13: 978-0996799133
Publication Date: Jan 25, 2023


All ships have crossed the finish line and the Solar Regatta has come to an end. Samson Ford’s cigarette racer rockets mindlessly through space. What happens next?

A young woman is kidnapped.
A genetic experiment finds redemption.
A war begins against natural born people.
Viruses. Plague. Genocide. And worse?
One woman tries to save everything.
One man becomes more than a man.
There is a disruption to the tides on Earth.
And a monkey creature dies.

Blazing the Sun was only the beginning. Sit down, strap in, and brace for turbulence. The adventure continues here.


Title: The Witchery of Archery
Author: Maurice Thompson
Introduction by: Cameron Lambright
Pages: 186
ISBN (hardcover): 978-0-9967991-0-2
ISBN (softcover): 978-0-9967991-1-9
Publication date: Main text – 1878
Introduction and Biography: April 16, 2016


The Witchery of Archery, by Maurice Thompson, was originally published in 1878 and is considered America’s classic treatise on the subject of archery. It can be compared to Izaak Walton’s legendary fishing treatise, The Compleat Angler. This new edition, from Incandescence Press, includes a new introduction, notes, and author bio, as well as a beautiful new type setting that closely replicates the 1878 original.

Maurice Thompson was considered, in his own time, among the most important authors of the “New South” in the United States. He grew up in North Georgia, fought for the Confederacy as a teenager during the Civil War, and moved north to settle in Indiana during the period of Reconstruction. His life was indelibly colored by the adventures he and his brother shared in their youth, hunting with longbows in the swampy wildernesses of Florida and Georgia. The Witchery of Archery, which recounted these adventures and inspired America’s first archery boom, wove together Thompson’s unique literary, poetic, narrative, and sporting talents into their most enduring form. The book was an instant hit throughout the United States when it was published, and has enjoyed a cult reputation within the American archery community ever since.

This Incandescence Press edition of The Witchery of Archery contains all of the book’s original illustrations and text, including the full Appendix, as well as an additional chapter (Chapter XVII) that was added to the 1879 Second Edition.


Title: The Young Garden Manifesto
Author: Cameron Lambright
Pages: 264
ISBN-10: 0692300562
ISBN-13: 978-0692300565
Publication date: Oct 25, 2014


The Young Garden Manifesto tells the story of a young man named Justin who moves to New York City at the beginning of the 21st Century. A series of story vignettes portray individual moments of Justin’s life in New York. Interwoven with these vignettes is the allegorical fable of a boy named Adam who must leave his village to wander in uncharted forest, and a girl named Eve who he finds there.

This novel is a testament of time. It is a haunted ringing of the epochal music that ushers in our age. In its indescribable beauty, its easy humor, its rudderless poignance — it cuts deeply. When you can look back to remember it, you will have changed.


A young man, New York, and a leopard.  And Eve. Indescribable and beautiful.

The Young Garden Manifesto is a testament of time. As the 21st Century cuts you, it cuts deeply. As our epochal music rings, the not said echoes loudly.

Each human life is a sequence of disconnected events that mean something. Each human life is a sequence — of disconnected events. Each human mind is a thing that does what it can.

This is a love story. This is a horror story. A funny and sad story. This is a young story. When you can look back and remember it, you will have changed.

Title: Blazing the Sun (Saga of the Sun Book 1)
Author: Cameron Lambright
Pages: 426
ISBN-10: 0615730760
ISBN-13: 978-0615730769
Publication date (First Edition): Dec 7, 2012

Publication Date (Second Edition): Jan 9, 2023


Simmering space opera, a dash of hard science fiction, two servings of frenetic action, bubbly neon light adventure, sex, violence, love and — God? Or just, ‘the god’? It’s all here in Cameron Lambright’s original indy sci-fi racing epic.


Pilots can have a run of luck, but they’ll be dead soon. Buried in backwater racing holes if not obliterated in space. Their lives are short, lived at the edge of death. One wrong step, one collision. Collisions are inevitable. Samson Ford presses a small, wooden cross against his chest and feels how different he is from other pilots, and knows he is no different at all. He thinks of their color hued, cosmetically engineered skin and looks down at his own tanned brown hands. Of their too bright, sparkling eyes and how beautiful their women are. As if they weren’t human. As if none of them were, not only the pilots. None of them believed in the god. He thinks of the woman he loves and wonders if she believes. The woman who is one of them, who has secrets, who is different.

He lays in his bunk on a small cargo carrier cruising slowly across the Solar System and stares through a ship’s window at distant stars. When he closes his eyes he dreams of the Solar Regatta, the great race around the sun.